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August Slipped Away


The social media burnout is real, but that’s not the only reason my online presence has been a little less active. In the beginning of July, I announced that I was going to pull back from posts, poetry, and blogging in order to be able to put all my energy into querying my novel. Now, we’re two thirds of the way through August and I still haven’t been sharing as much content as I was before I began querying. So I thought you all might like a short update on what I’ve been doing over all that time.

August 7: Started working on a new play for a competition that I was planning to submit for.

August 8: Was informed that I was one of the recipients of the Bernhardt Scholarship for Young Voices: a scholarship for authors 21 or under who want to attend WriterCon.

August 9: Began to choose sessions and make travel plans for WriterCon.

August 11: Came up with near-future dystopian-ish book idea, wrote down some plot points so it doesn’t take up too much space in my mind. Also created a playlist for it.

August 12: Realized I wouldn’t have time to finish the new play in time for the deadline, because of the preparations I had to make for WriterCon.

August 13: Reorganized my social media profiles to be better for new followers.

August 14: Started making friendship bracelets for WriterCon.

August 15: Attempted to find semi-professional clothing for WriterCon.

August 16-21: Built an entire website on WordPress for a fellow author. (

August 19-22: Reworked my entire website, specifically fixing the blog section to be more user-friendly.

August 29: Fly to Oklahoma City for WriterCon.

August 30-September 1: WRITERCON.

As you can imagine, there were a lot of smaller things filling in the spaces between these events as well. I’m very, very busy, but also very excited to be leaving for WriterCon in one week. There are some great agents who will be there, as well as other speakers. I am also very excited to be spending the weekend making friendships and connections with other writers.

One other note, if you are following me on only TikTok or X, please know that the best place to follow me is on Instagram. The unfortunate reality of TikTok and X is that they are not the best platforms for professional use. TikTok viewership has become extremely inconsistent, and the constant video making is incredibly time consuming. X is very limited without purchasing a subscription. Because of this, I post far more on Instagram because it is the most user-friendly platform currently available. I will try to post important updates on all platforms, but Instagram is where you’ll get the news first.

I hope that I’ll be able to keep up with things a little better after WriterCon, but if I meet an agent there, I may be busy with new things after the conference. Make sure to watch out for new updates in the next few weeks. Who knows what could happen!

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